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Launching the PLOS Genetics Research Prize 2015

2014-11-05 15_03_13-Greenshot
September 2007 Issue Image. Electronic rolled fingerprint. Image Credit: Sarah E. Medland

What did you do when you turned 10? Throw a party? Have a sleepover? Eat chocolate cake? We would love to do all these things with our readers, authors and editors (especially the chocolate cake), but after much deliberation, we decided on a more research-oriented birthday treat.

We’re awarding a US$5000 prize for the best PLOS Genetics Research Article published in 2014. We’re very excited about this opportunity to recognize the outstanding work we publish and, at the same time, involve the genetics community in the selection process for this!

We’re taking nominations from the public until Wednesday September 16 2015 10:59 AM UTC, and our senior editorial team will select the final winner based on those nominations. To reflect the journal’s aims of publishing high quality research and fostering community engagement, the winning Research Article will be chosen based upon scientific excellence and community impact.

Please join us in the celebrations and nominate your favorite paper! For more information on the Prize, please see the Program Page and Program Rules. Questions regarding the Prize can also be sent to

Brithday Cake US
Birthday Cake. Image from Flickr. Public Domain.

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