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Jason Papin appointed as co-EiC

PLOS Computational Biology is delighted to announce that Jason Papin will join Ruth Nussinov as co-Editor-in-Chief of the journal as it enters its second decade of publishing. This appointment follows the successful model of other PLOS Community Journals (PLOS Genetics, PLOS Pathogens and PLOS NTDs) and will strengthen the existing leadership to ensure they can take full advantage of  these exciting times for computational biology.

Jason Papin (
Jason Papin

Ruth and Jason will share responsibility for the leadership of the journal and as they will explain in an upcoming Editorial:

“Our mutual aim is to advance and drive exciting, productive and fruitful science.”

Jason Papin, Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Virginia, is a longstanding member of our editorial board, and has served as Deputy Editor-in-Chief along with Sebastian Bonhoeffer and Olaf Sporns. Ruth Nussinov, a Professor in the School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University and Senior Principal Scientist and Principal Investigator at the National Cancer Institute,  has provided inspirational leadership of the journal since her appointment as Editor-in-Chief.

Ruth Nussinov (
Ruth Nussinov

We are also pleased to announce that Sebastian Bonhoeffer has agreed to assume the new position of Chair of the Editorial Advisory Board while continuing to serve as a senior level editor. Olaf Sporns, a longtime contributor to PLOS Computational Biology, is stepping away from his role and transitioning to a position on our Editorial Advisory Board. Finally, we are happy to confirm that Philip Bourne, Associate Director for Data Science at the NIH, will continue to support the journal in an advisory capacity as Founding Editor-in-Chief.

To learn more about the vision for PLOS Computational Biology that Ruth and Jason are outlining for the future, watch for their upcoming Editorial in July.



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