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6 Recommended Articles from PLOS Biology Senior Editor Gabriel Gasque

Our staff editors continue to share recent exciting, interesting, and thought-provoking PLOS Biology reads in this recommended articles series. This week, Senior Editor Gabriel Gasque shares 6 picks for the PLOS Biology community.

Resting-state brain and spinal cord networks in humans are functionally integrated

From the Abstract:

“We show that the brain and spinal cord activities are strongly correlated during rest periods, and specific spinal cord regions are functionally linked to consistently reported brain sensorimotor RSNs.”

Spastin depletion increases tubulin polyglutamylation and impairs kinesin-mediated neuronal transport, leading to working and associative memory deficits

From the Abstract:

“Our data provide a mechanism that connects spastin dysfunction with the regulation of kinesin-mediated cargo transport, synapse integrity, and cognition “

tACS entrains neural activity while somatosensory input is blocked

From the Abstract:

“These data are therefore consistent with the direct stimulation hypothesis and suggest that peripheral somatosensory stimulation is not required for tACS to entrain neurons.”

Hippocampal neurons with stable excitatory connectivity become part of neuronal representations

From the Abstract:

“We discovered that neurons that will prospectively express Arc have slower turnover of synaptic connectivity, thus suggesting that synaptic stability prior to experience can bias neurons to become part of representations or possibly engrams.”

The Drosophila amyloid precursor protein homologue mediates neuronal survival and neuroglial interactions

From the Abstract:

“We propose that APP proteins represent a novel family of neuroglial signaling factors required for adult brain homeostasis.”

Generalizable brain network markers of major depressive disorder across multiple imaging sites

From the Abstract

“We address the difficulty of finding a generalizable marker of major depressive disorder (MDD) that would distinguish patients from healthy controls based on resting-state functional connectivity patterns.”

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