For the first time in its 177-year history, the American Statistical Association (ASA) has voiced its opinion and made specific recommendations for…
Announcement Is the p-value pointless?
Biology Slice of PLOS: Mesocosms and Climate Change
By 2016, most scientifically literate people have come to accept the inevitability of climate change. But what’s much less clear is how…
Advocacy Meta-Research: Getting the Most Out of Research
Scientific research, often portrayed as the acme of human rigorous thought, is actually an activity that’s grown rather organically over the centuries…
Debate The Trouble with Transparency
Last week we posted an article by two journalists, Paul D. Thacker and Charles Seife, who argued that the integrity of the…
Debate Post Removed by PLOS – The Fight Over Transparency: Round Two
Statement from PLOS: PLOS Blogs is, and will continue to be, a forum that allows scientists to debate controversial topics. However, given…
Biology Human Disease Epigenomics 2.0
It might be hard to believe, but 2015 marks ten years of PLOS Genetics! To celebrate ten years of hard work, research, and…
Debate Suffering for Science: Balancing the Costs and Benefits of Animal Research
Think for a moment, if you will, of all the chemicals that you conscientiously and unconsciously are exposed to everyday. Banal, daily-life…
Biology The ethics of big data: Focus Feature
Written by Jason Papin, Deputy-Editor-in-Chief for PLOS Computational Biology There has been a recent explosion of big data due to the development…
Biology This week in PLOS Biology
In PLOS Biology this week, you can read about a fundamental step in the making of plant oils and the pitfalls of…
Biology This week in PLOS Biology
In this bumper week for PLOS Biology, you can read about bat navigation, transmission of longevity, new neurons for old brains, how…
Biology This week in PLOS Biology
In PLOS Biology this week, you can read about how plants cope with arsenic in the soil, the lengthening of tubular biological…
Advocacy This week in PLOS Biology
In PLOS Biology this week, you can read about the sequence of the centipede genome, alternative publication metrics, how we pay attention…