Here are our highlights from November’s PLOS Computational Biology. Predicting Diseases with Wikipedia Effective and timely disease surveillance is a critical component…
Community Predicting diseases with Wikipedia, how the brain modifies memories, and hypersynchrony: the PLOS Comp Biol November Issue
Advocacy This week in PLOS Biology
In PLOS Biology this week, you can read about the sequence of the centipede genome, alternative publication metrics, how we pay attention…
Biology This week in PLOS Biology
In PLOS Biology this week, you can read about brain folding in mammals, misfolded proteins in human genetic disease, and mechano-transduction.  …
Biology This week in PLOS Biology
In PLOS Biology this week, you can read about the evolution of thermostable proteins, the Addgene initiative, microenvironment influence on tumour metastasis…
Biology This week in PLOS Biology
In PLOS Biology this week, you can read research articles about the regulation of glial cell activation, zinc regulation in E. coli…
Biology This week in PLOS Biology
In PLOS Biology this week, you can read about managing disease outbreaks, alpha band oscillations, human embalming techniques, unexpected effects of synaptic…
Computational biology Pupil size and decision making, timing evolutionary innovation and understanding ATP allosteric functions: the PLOS Comp Biol September issue
Here’s our pick of the highlights from September’s PLOS Computational Biology. The precision with which people make decisions can be predicted by…
Biology This week in PLOS Biology
In PLOS Biology this week, you can read about the notion of the “balance of nature“, female mate choice in fruit flies…
Biology This Week in PLOS Biology
In PLOS Biology this week, you can read about social learning in chimps, how the central and peripheral nervous systems stay separate…
Biology This week in PLOS Biology
In PLOS Biology this week you can read about citizen science oceanography, de-differentiation and drug resistance in cancer, fine-tuning of DNA repair…
Biology This week in PLOS Biology
In PLOS Biology this week, you can read about the evolution of symbiosis, the role of Epstein-Barr virus in disease and the…
Biology This week in PLOS Biology
In PLOS Biology this week, you can read about the generation of neural stem cells, compensatory evolution, the evolution of language and…