In this ‘behind the paper’ post, Derek Barisas discusses how analyzing some old data shaped a hypothesis and led them to find…
Behind the paper Behind the paper: Tumors produce factors that promote extramedullary hematopoiesis
Biology The XV Collection: A Spotlight on Spottiness
By Sally Lowell Let’s start with a remarkable fact. Cells can, under the right conditions, organise themselves into patterns without any…
Biology The XV Collection: Auxin Transport — more a River Delta than a Stream
By Mark Estelle The sessile lifestyle of plants is enabled by remarkable developmental plasticity. Plant form is affected by a wide…
Biology The XV Collection: Anatomy of a Protein Kinase Spine and How to Break It
by Ann Stock The post-translational addition of phosphate groups to serine, threonine and tyrosine residues is a fundamental strategy for…
Biology The XV Collection: Re-Interpreting Pheromone Signaling
by Piali Sengupta Negative results that call into question a previously proposed model are generally difficult to publish unless they overturn…
Blog Understanding Images: Challenging the Wnt signaling dogma
Author: Alexandra Franz, Institute of Molecular Life Sciences, University of Zurich, Switzerland Competing Interests: Alexandra Franz is an author of the article…
Biology Gordon Research Conference on Molecular Mechanisms in Evolution (June 11 – 16, 2017): Ivan Matic
As part of its mission to encourage engagement within the genetics community, PLOS Genetics is sponsoring a number of conferences and meetings…
Biology Understanding Images: Animal fertility governed by small non-coding RNAs
Author: Jamy C. Peng, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee, USA Competing Interests: Jamy C. Peng is an author of the…
Biology PLOS Biology is at FENS Forum 2016!
The 10th FENS Forum of Neuroscience started on July 2nd, 2016 in Copenhagen, Denmark. PLOS Biology and the rest of the PLOS…
Announcement PLOS Biology is at ASM Microbe 2016!
This year’s American Society of Microbiology conference, ASM Microbe 2016, kicks off on June 16th, 2016 in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. PLOS Biology…
Biology Slice of PLOS: 57 Varieties of Tomato
This beautiful berry, domesticated in the Americas more than 2500 years ago, and introduced to the Old World in the 16th…
Biology Slice of PLOS: Bacteria’s Social Media
Perhaps when you think of bacterial communities you think of a flask full of rapidly dividing E. coli. But in non-lab conditions…